Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future review

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian…

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment

We are pleased to share our recent submission to the Australian…

Accelerating C&I rooftop solar and batteries is a ‘win win’ Discussion Paper

New South Wales is currently missing out on the untapped opportunity…

Accelerating Consumer Energy in Australia

Nexa Advisory new analysis shows national consistency in rooftop…

Nexa Advisory submission – Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper

Nexa Advisory welcomes the opportunity to share our perspectives…

Nexa Advisory Submission- Flexible Trading Arrangements

Nexa Advisory's submission to the AEMC on the Flexible Trading…

Nexa Advisory submission-New Vehicle Efficiency Standard 7 March 2024

Nexa Advisory submission on the National Fuel Efficiency Standard…

Nexa Advisory submission-NSW Consumer Energy Strategy 29022024

Nexa Advisory warmly welcomes the acknowledgement by the NSW…

Cutting off solar isn’t the answer

Australia is a world leader in both rooftop solar photovoltaic…

Victoria’s Emergency Backstop Mechanism – Consultation Paper

Summary & Recommendations Victorians have embraced rooftop…

Putting the Power in People’s hands

Distributed Energy Resources – a key contributor to the clean…

Nexa Advisory’s Submission: National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Nexa Advisory shares its submission on the National Energy Performance…

Nexa Advisory Submission to AER Community Battery Class Waiver

Nexa Advisory, with input from the Yarra Energy Foundation, submits…