Rewatch Webinar: Transmission Investments and the Pathway to a Clean Energy Transition
Australia’s National Electricity Market is experiencing a period of significant change, bringing with it both disruption and opportunity. Central to successfully navigating this is the transmission network. The speed at which new generator connections have occurred is creating challenges for the grid and reinforcing the need for better coordination of generation and transmission investments. Are the transmission access reforms a hindrance or a pathway to a clean energy transition?
Brought to you by Nexa Advisory, join Principal and Founder Stephanie Bashir and key leaders in the heart of the transition including NSW State Government, Infigin, the Clean Energy Council and the Energy Security Board to discuss the transmission investment and coordination challenges, the importance of developing the grid to meet the challenges of the future, the state-based programmes and reforms underway.
Moderator and host:
Stephanie Bashir, Principal | Nexa Advisory
Meet the panel:
Dr Joel Gilmore, Regulatory Affairs Manager | Infigen
Chloe Hicks, Director, Energy Infrastructure and Zones | NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Lillian Patterson, Director Energy Transformation | Clean Energy Council
David Swift, Independent Deputy Chair | Energy Security Board
Create a Policy Strategy with Nexa Advisory
The NSW Government is expected to seek input from stakeholder through a public consultation. Given the breadth and long-term nature of this Roadmap, developing a policy position an important first step for developers, investors, retailers, industry and emerging technology providers to understand how this roadmap might impact your organisation.
Contact Nexa Advisory for a free market update on the NSW Infrastructure Roadmap and explore creating a policy strategy for your organisation to help shape the future energy system.
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