Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the ISP

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the Integrated System Plan (ISP).

We support the AEMC’s draft determination to require AEMO to describe how the distribution network developments will be included in the ISP through a demand-side statement. These are welcome changes to initial rule change request.

However, the AEMC has allowed AEMO flexibility to determine the nature of the data requirements of Distribution Network Service Providers needed to integrate demand-side factors. While we agree that the information guidelines and data collected from DNSPs by AEMO must be practical and realistic, there is a clear need for this to be considered within a broader independent review of the role on distribution networks, and the transparency of network data.

Additionally, we support the AEMC in upholding the purpose of the ISP as a planning document, rather than for informing and setting policy.

Read our submission here: Nexa Advisory submission – AEMC Integration of Demand management into ISP Submission