Entries by Jordan Ferrari

A Solution Looking for a Problem

Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) is undergoing significant transformation due to the rapid integration of renewable energy sources, the retirement of aging coal-fired power plants, and evolving consumer preferences and demand patterns. These changes have raised concerns about maintaining reliability and ensuring sufficient investment in dispatchable generation capacity to deliver the transition. It is clear […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMO ISP Methodology

Nexa Advisory welcomes the opportunity to share our views and insights on AEMO’s Integrated System Plan (ISP) Methodology Issues Paper. The ISP remains a critical planning and system design roadmap for the National Electricity Market (NEM) and a vital tool which informs investors, policy makers and broader industry as we progress Australia’s clean energy transition. […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMO CER Data Exchange

Nexa Advisory welcomes the opportunity to share our views and insights on AEMO’s CER Data Exchange Industry Co-Design Consultation Paper. We are pleased that the consultation paper clearly aligns with this problem definition and that AEMO recognises the opportunities of data accessibility and transparency for CER integration and operation. However, the objective of this initiative […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AER Ring-fencing guideline (electricity transmission) – negotiated services

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on updating the ring-fencing guideline to include negotiated transmission services. We support the AER in upholding strong ring-fencing provisions for Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSP) – and strongly support the similar arrangements in place for Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP). We […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Including distribution network resilience in the NER

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Including distribution network resilience in the National Electricity Rules rule change. We support the intention of this rule change to improve the resilience, given its critical role in electricity affordability and security and to ensure that these host […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the ISP

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the Integrated System Plan (ISP). We support the AEMC’s draft determination to require AEMO to describe how the distribution network developments will be included in the ISP through a demand-side statement. These […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Better integration of gas and community sentiment into the ISP

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Better integration of gas and community sentiment into the Integrated System Plan (ISP) draft determination. The AEMC has refined its focus around gas integration within the ISP, reflecting the key role of gas in the energy transition. However, […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Real-time data for consumers

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Real-time data for consumers consultation paper. Timely access to energy consumption data for consumers is a key, ‘no-regrets’ enabler of CER –supporting better information, more responsive operation and tariff reforms. However, there remains a critical need for further […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Improving the cost recovery arrangements for non-network options

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Improving the cost recovery arrangements for non-network options consultation paper. While we appreciate the intention to support the development of non-network solutions, this must be done in a way which provides the most competitive outcomes, minimises regulatory burden […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – Draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines

Nexa Advisory welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission on VicGrid’s Victorian Transmission Plan (VTP) Guidelines. We highlight the need for VicGrid to support ongoing industry and community engagement throughout early planning of transmission pathway design. This is particularly important around the planning standard set by VicGrid, and other design elements which are critical to […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – Draft 2025 Inputs Assumptions and Scenarios Report

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on the Draft 2025 Inputs Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR). We support the development of ambitious and plausible scenarios to provide a vital signal for investors, policy makers and broader industry to understand the pathway forward through Australia’s transition to […]

Nexa Advisory Submission – AEMC Interconnector Cost Allocation

Nexa Advisory is pleased to share our submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Providing flexibility in the allocation of interconnector costs draft determination. We advocate for more timely delivery of transmission, and have highlighted the need for: a fit-for-purpose regulatory pathway – which considers holistic delivery efficiency; and Better national transmission […]